A few weeks ago most of you will recall the article on T. G. Cockrill & Co., Kentucky Gem and the apparent discrepancy in the addresses that Thomas listed for the enterprise. Attached to the article was a copy of the Sanborn map for Front St. The map showed a number of Wholesale Liquor dealers and Rectifiers lined up like Indians on Front St. I thought that it would be interesting to put names on the addresses so I started researching. The results were a veritable who's who of power liquor dealers. One especially caught my interest since I'd recently acquired a labeled Tea Kettle, which I also posted in a previous article.
Guess who was at 527 Front (building on the top left corner of Front & Jackson on the map) from 1888 - 1903? Of course, Shea Bocqueraz & Co. A decendent of James Shea and I had recently been corresponding and they were kind enough to provide me with this photo so that I could see what the building and the family looked like. But, something else caught my eye! Click on the photo so that it enlarges. Now, look carefully at the pillar on the far left. See the tattered sign about 6' off the street level? Yep, Shea Bocqueraz & Co. had located on the site of the old M. Gruenberg & Co. warehouse. We knew that Newmark, Gruenberg was located at 221 Bush but never knew where M. was located, until now...
Guess who was at 527 Front (building on the top left corner of Front & Jackson on the map) from 1888 - 1903? Of course, Shea Bocqueraz & Co. A decendent of James Shea and I had recently been corresponding and they were kind enough to provide me with this photo so that I could see what the building and the family looked like. But, something else caught my eye! Click on the photo so that it enlarges. Now, look carefully at the pillar on the far left. See the tattered sign about 6' off the street level? Yep, Shea Bocqueraz & Co. had located on the site of the old M. Gruenberg & Co. warehouse. We knew that Newmark, Gruenberg was located at 221 Bush but never knew where M. was located, until now...
Photo printed by permission of a descendant of James Shea.
KG: Your photo dates between 1896-98 when M. Gruenberg was located at 525 Front, next door to Shea Bocqueraz & Co., who were on the very corner at 527 Front. The corner bldg was divided into two businesses and two addresses. The two liquor dealers were actually next door to each other for those three yrs. In 1899 Shea Bocqueraz & Co moved to 525 Market St. In 1903 they dropped the "&" from the Co. and were still at the Market St address.
My name is charlie and I live in Napa, Ca. A couple of months back I was doing some Creekside digging in Yountville,Ca and found a coffin flask, (clear, half pint)embossed Newmark Gruenberg & Co. A.A.A. I'm looking for more information on the bottle, the company, and the whiskey.