Good afternoon fellow aficionados. Things have been a little off balance around the old homestead as of late and I thought that a bit of glop top therapy would be just what the Doc. ordered; along with a couple of good sized splashes of Ky. Bourbon...
I wrote the following article back in August of 1989. It was published in the Antique Bottle & Glass Collector. I tried to include it as a reply to the Cornucopia portion of Sole Agents Whiskey News but the format of this forum will not allow attachments in a reply so am starting a new thread. Click on each page and it will open in a readable font size.
Sadly, the article appears to have been prophesy fulfilled.

One of many sites where this has happened. Good thing they werent using shovels and diggin for bottles. They would've been strung-up by the Save the World folks !