Tuesday, July 28, 2009


This little high valley herd of "johnnies and nicks" has been grazing peacefully long enough. Back up the horse trailer Dusty, there's a rodeo in SoCal this weekend.

I hear some of the top cowboys are out of action for this one, maybe we can ride on in there and do some serious 'harse tradin'.

You No. California boys are pretty lucky, bottle shows every month, flea markets and street fairs, digging all around ya. I can't blame ya for not wanting to head down to Pomino.

I live here in Morgan, U-tah, on the other side of the Great Salt Lick. Hail, it's always about 500 miles to the nearest bottle show. Unless I drive up canyon (Park City way) and see the empties in 'ol Dave Bone's window.

I surely do miss goin to Reno for the show. Since 1972, I've only missed a couple of those Reno shows. Missin it this year but it ain't my fault. So I guess we'll use that gas money for Pamoana.

We'll let you boys in on the go'ins on there in Pamon, Pamoon, Pa-mow-na. Get the map Dusty, we're goin to a different part of the state for a change.


  1. im digen out them spurs,
    yeee haw

    mole man

  2. I'd ride em........

  3. Howdy pardner,
    I reckon by your post your bringing some of your ponies down to do some swapping in Pa-moan-a. Are you looking to increase your herd of steers or just raise capital for different stock?
    If your serious about cutting one of those ponies out of the herd let me know.

  4. My saddle's cinch is busted and I gotta hitch in my giddyup. Sadly, I gonna be a no-show at the show.

  5. They're chargin to stiff for the hay at the Pomoany livery stable for my horse !


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