I know that this is a bit off topic, but sometimes we collect things that aren't related to applied top fifths or flasks. The subject of these two signs is the brand that the A.P.Hotaling Co chose as it's flagship brand after divesting itself of the J.H.Cutter whiskies. Although only sold in paper labeled bottles, the Old Kirk Whiskey was a popular product, earning another fortune for Hotaling's heirs.
I found these privy dug pieces while rummaging around in the garage getting my duck hunting gear gathered up. They aren't good enough to come inside, so they stay in the garage, along with old barrel ends and boxes. Eventually, I'll get around to polishing them up and hang 'em up on the outside of the garage.
Nice signs O.C.
ReplyDeleteThey would make it into my house... no question about it!!
Any post about western whiskies, western bottles, related advertising, related digging stories, related revelations of the theory of relativity... it's all good.
Look at all the interesting information that came from that posting about McCue's Chinese Remedy. If you have a nugget that you find interesting... I'm sure other people will enjoy it also. Best of all, we may all learn something new!
That Hotaling sign is killer. Belongs in the bottle room !