Sunday, November 22, 2009


Here are some ads that surfaced again when sorting all my files and junk.   We have written about these topics in the past and you may find these interesting.

E. Chielovich was out in the "wilds" of Eastern Nevada in 1869 trying to grow the market for Jesse Moore Bourbon.   Obviously, this is a couple of years before the embossed J.Moore bottle made an appearance.   Outfitting saloons was a significant part of the early San Francisco liqour dealers distribution method.  

Chielovich supplied, "fitted up", and/or "managed" saloons in several early Nevada towns.

DAVY CROCKETT - PURE OLD BOURBON   label.   This blown up  from an envelope or advertising cover.

Here is a cool Renz Wholesale Dealer ad that I had printed once before.  It comes from an 1882 issue of the San Francisco paper, the WASP. 

Renz's Blackberry Brandy,  Renz's Herb Bitters and Bonanza Bourbon Whiskey represented.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics, Do you have any advertising for any of the early Utah meds like Godbe and Snell? DB


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