I knew Pat Patocka for over thirty years. Strange twist of fate back in 1974, my mom had decided to move from Ogden, Ut. to take a job at McClellen AFB in Sacramento. Pat ended up being her boss. When my mom told him I had found a few threadless insulators while sloshing around in the mud and water in the early U.P. town of Corinne, Pat was on the phone with me continually. I ended up selling him quite a number of those S.Mckee and unembossed threadless "paperweights"... heck I just wanted bottles. We became good friends, later with his involvement with the Auburn bottle show we continued our friendship and visited regularly right up to his passing in 2008.
This Pole top/ Glass Discovery auction has a portion of Pat and Shirley's collection. Going to take a couple of more auctions to sell it all I think.
Anyway, the long and short of it, I wanted to have a few pictures of the glass that Pat had collected over the years. So I bought a catalog.
Hard bound catalog for 14 bucks.... are you kidding me. I'm so tight that I screw my shoes off and on, but I can go $14.
When it arrived, SWEET!! Western glass, glass making history, western telegraph history! That's just half the catalog. The other half is quite a grouping of beautiful bottles. Hostetter collectors have a few real nice ones to bid on.
So, if you haven't spent your $14 for the catalog, do it quick before he runs out of them. I don't know if Ray is going to offer more of these hard bound catalogs, I don't know how he can do it for this price, but this one is fantastic.
If any of you foothill diggers/metal detectorists find one of these cast iron insulators... well, now you know what it is!!
This is the second hardbound catalog that Ray has produced. I have them both, and the historical information alone is worth twice the price. At 14 bucks, it's a darned give-away.