The first mention of the factory I could locate was in the Salt Lake Tribune May 23,1886 which claimed the glass works had 24 employees (men & boys) and was obtaining all of the sand, soda ash, coal, even the clay for the crucibles very near by. "The works has been providing beer, soda, and prescription bottles, besides also making up a large quantity of Mason's jars".
Another article on Jan 1, 1887 makes mention of the organization of the company, "Capital being placed at $10,000.00, 200 shares at $50 each. T. E. Taylor, president; Jacob Moritz, vice president; John A. Evans, secretary and treasurer. Hugh Watson being the manager of the glass works".
"The glass works being located just a short distance west of Warm Springs, and is connected to the Utah Central R.R. by a switch". The article goes on to mention that the glass works "has a capacity of 300 dozen bottles per day, and is giving employment to 45 men and boys. The value of the product produced during the eight months of 1886 being $27,000".
An short article appeared on Aug. 15, 1888 under the title of "ANOTHER GLASS WORKS". The article indicates that another company is looking to build a glass factory in or near Salt Lake City. The article is vague and it makes no mention of the Salt Lake Glass Works being still in operation or not. By the title, Another works, I will assume that the original glass works is still in operation.
I could not find any mention of when the Salt Lake Glass Works actually ceased operation, but an article published in the Tribune of Aug. 15, 1889 wonders why more manufacturing cannot be done in and around Salt Lake City. Specifically needed are a broom factory, woolen factories, chemical factory, and a glass factory, among others listed. Apparently the Salt Lake Glass Works was out of operation by mid 1889. An article published in early 1892, makes mention of possible uses of the " valuable property of the old Salt Lake Glass Works, being so convenient to the railroad".

Almost always very whittled and full of bubbles and imperfections. Other than the embossing style, they have the look and feel of a bottle made 10-15 years earlier.
Collection of Ivan O.
John Becks Hot Spring Mineral Water
bottles are another likely product of the S.L. Glass Works. The hutch Becks are scarce, the taller mineral water bottle is very rare, just a couple known.
Collection of Ivan O.
This unusual "round bottom" John Beck ginger ale is still unique I believe.
Formerly in the Stan Sanders collection.
There are several other embossed "mid 1880ish" Salt Lake hutch sodas that were possibly blown at the S.L. Glass works. As for the Mason fruit jars, I am not aware of any identifying marks or traits to separate them from the multitudes.
Any additional information would be appreciated.
Great write up, Roger! I never knew of an western glass works existing in Utah...this is very interesting. Great pictures of Ivan's beers & sodas too! The three beer colors shown and the three G.O. Blake's colors are nearly dead on....and talk about a trio of nice fifths and nice beers, it doesn't get much better than that!
I do have a midget Mason jar with a ground lip that looks as western as some of the meds, sodas, and whiskeys I own that actually have S.F. embossed on them. Perhaps the midget mason is a product of The Salt Lake Glass Works?? The age seems to look about 1888ish....does someone out there know much about the manufacturing of Mason brand jars in the West, for the West? Quite an interesting topic!
ReplyDeleteInformation on Mason jars blown by S.F.G.W. & P.G.W. are in the book you purchased from me.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting little bit of information, SA. Are the SLCGW bottles marked on the base? What provenance is there concerning the products of the Works?
ReplyDeleteHello all
ReplyDeleteI am working on a history of the Colorado City Glass Company which produced bottles for companies throughout the west between 1889 and 1893. It certainly shipped amber quart bottles to San Francisco and made bottles for Bartlett Springs Mineral Water and Salt Lake Mineral Water as well as Manitou Mineral Water Company. The company made aqua glass primarily but also some amber and german green glass. The company used the marks C.C.G.CO., Colo.C.G.CO.,or Colo. City G. Co. on the base or heel of its bottles. I would appreciate any help in tracking down pictures and information on bottles made by this company. I believe that I saw an amber flask from california with the first mark on the base that was probably mistakenly attributed to Cream City Glass Co. out of Wisconsin. There is no evidence that Cream City marketed outside Wisconsin and surrounding states. So, bottles from companies throughout the west with CCGCO are like from Colorado City.
Thanks Beau
Thanks Beau, I have seen that marking on several Utah hutch sodas. Will keep my eyes open.. I believe that the success of the Colorado glass factories beginning in 1889 led to the demise of the short lived Salt Lake Glass Works. soleagent